BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee™: Increasing Employee Engagement and Education with Juncture™’s Interactive Discover Wall.
As Tennessee’s largest health benefit plan company and a leader in the industry, BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee was using a traditional intranet and network of digital displays for employee communications. When BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee began restructuring its Mission Strategy Goals, they looked for a unique way to engage, educate, and encourage their employees. They reached out to Juncture with three specific goals, make it active, make it informative, and make it fun!
With these broad goals in mind, we at Juncture created a high-quality learning platform featuring touch enabled displays. To meet their needs we decided to scale the hardware, using a 3×3 touch matrix configuration that resulted in a nearly
12-ft-wide screen. This setup not only created visual impact but also allowed for a larger canvas upon which to provide dynamic content for employee engagement. Employees and visitors could now be physical and move around the Discover Wall to interact. As Juncture created content with BlueCross BlueShield’s internal communications team, we utilized gamification, the application of game-design elements and game principles in non-game context, to conceptualize their Mission Strategy Goals. Gamification encouraged teamwork and interaction, as well as information retention.
Juncture’s use of interactive display technology and software provided BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee a variety of methods for their participants to approach and comprehend information. Whether participants learn best by seeing, hearing, or doing, the ability to reach people of all learning styles helps to more efficiently and effectively improve return on investment.
Executive Summary
BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee is Tennessee’s largest health benefit plan company and is known for providing insurance coverage and educational health resources to customers.
“We had a vague idea that we needed to do something different to engage our employees and get their attention. We kept hearing about interactive displays but didn’t know how to take the first step or how to make the content fun and engaging.”
Juncture’s Discovery Wall solution allowed BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee to create an interactive, multimedia learning platform that reached all learning styles without seeming like training.
BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee has found that their new Mission Strategy pickup has been exceeding expectations. Use of the Discovery Wall has produced over 23,000 interactions internally. This has increased knowledge and retention of key Mission Strategy points by 30%.